Mauritius PDS


How and why buying a PDS property in Mauritius ?

The Property Development Scheme (PDS) is an investment scheme which allows foreigners to buy a property in Mauritius. Find out how to access this legal framework as well as the PDS properties available for sale.

PDS in Mauritius : what is it ?


The Property Development Scheme is the new real estate investment scheme created in 2015. It gathers the former RES and IRS to harmonize and facilitate access to property in Mauritius. New Real Estate construction projects will have to meet the PDS scheme, but the former investment schemes are still applicable to villas and real estate complexes already built.

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LLH is gathering PDS villas and apartments in Mauritius. Discover our exclusive properties.

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What are the conditions to buy a PDS property in Mauritius ?


The creation of the PDS has eased the acquisition of real estate in Mauritius. PDS properties no longer have any acreage restrictions and the minimum investment is £ 132, 300. For a purchase of less than $ 500’000, the buyer can obtain a certificate of temporary residence (up to 6 months). Beyond $ 500’000, the owner of the property is eligible for a permanent Mauritian residence permit, valid throughout the duration of the possession of the property.

And now, with the PDS, the built properties have to meet defined ecological standards. Therefore theses properties are state-of-the-art, modern and ecological villas and apartments.

Real estate development

Discover the luxury villas Osiris

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Do you need help for your real estate purchase in Mauritius ? Are you looking for advice for investing or do you need information about tax advantages in Mauritius? Leading Luxury Home is at your disposal for any request.

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